Friday, December 08, 2006

Having a Second Life

The main problem, it seems to me, about having a second life is not confusion over the boundaries between virtuality and reality (although they certainly exist!) but that suddenly you need 48 hours in each day. I discovered second life about a month ago from an article in the Education Guardian and it has consumed a very high proportion of my waking hours ever since - and quite a few normally reserved for sleeping too!

This photo from second life shows me cooling off in the waterfall pool in the "Garden of Learning" that I am building for NMIT. Explanations of that in a later blog coming soon - as will more photos - maybe even a video! In the meantime, this posting is mainly to send my apologies if I have been neglecting you lately - now you know why.....oh and if you make it to second life yourself be sure to let me know!

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